Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Published April 09, 2019 by with 0 comment

Maintenance Related Recommendations for Polished Concrete Floors Sydney

Some people believe that there is no maintenance required by polished concrete floors Sydney and to some extent, it is right that they don’t require any maintenance. But to make it look like new for a long time, you will have to keep it offer some kinds of maintenance, etc. As far as maintenance is concerned, not too much is recommended by the experts and only by routine maintenance, things can be kept well under control. In terms of routine maintenance, the most common step you can is brooming the floor or dust mopping it on a frequent basis. Some other steps are also recommended like frequent wet mopping, etc. and they have been discussed here in this post.

According to the experts of protective floor coatings Sydney, the kind of maintenance required by polished concrete floors Sydney would entirely depend upon the amount of foot traffic faced by the area. Based on that, you can use the following checklist for the regular maintenance regime of polished concrete floors Sydney.

Dust Mopping

Dust mop the entire floor on a frequent basis using a microfiber pad to keep dirt particles away from the floors.

The reason cited is that the soil and mud particles act as an abrasive substance to ruin the clarity and shine of the floor.

Wet Mopping

Alongside dust moping, it would be beneficial for the floor, if you could give it wet mopping on a frequent basis and for this, you can use an automatic floor scrubber and non-abrasive pad.

Experts of polished concrete floors Sydney say that for wet mopping, you should only use a neutral floor cleaner that is designed for this kind of floor.

Using too much water is not a good idea because it will eventually degrade the shine of the floor.

Experts further add that all the spills, no matter how small they are should be removed at the earliest so that the floor gets no time at all to absorb the liquid present in it.

If you apply a cleaning agent and then immediately vacuum it or mop it from the surface, the cleaner will not have sufficient time to work.



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