Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Published June 12, 2024 by with 0 comment

Essential Maintenance and Cleaning Steps for Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy flooring is the Marilyn Monroe of the flooring world, and the two most impressive and incredible features of this flooring are durability and ease of cleaning or maintenance. Some special care is needed to ensure that epoxy flooring stays clean regardless of where it is installed. It can be installed in garages, living areas, industrial environments, commercial centres and even high-traffic hallways. In all these areas, timely maintenance and cleaning are required, and the related steps are discussed in this post.

Epoxy flooring stays clean regardless - Cobblecrete


Some easy steps taken regularly will keep epoxy flooring clean, sparkling and long-lasting.


The first step in epoxy flooring or epoxy coating is removing dirt and grit from epoxy flooring as soon as possible. If these things stay there longer, they will scratch the epoxy coating and eventually damage the surface. In this situation, you will again have to avail epoxy coating services and to prevent this, you must soft dust mop or vacuum the floor using a soft brush attachment. This will sweep away the regular dirt, sand and loose debris. You can perform this step twice a week, depending on the dirt that your epoxy flooring experiences.

Epoxy coating is removing dirt and grit - Cobblecrete


Epoxy flooring and epoxy floors with epoxy coating exhibit excellent water resistance, and this is why spot cleaning becomes very easy. In case of stains, you must attend to them immediately and engage in spot cleaning without waiting for your next cleaning schedule. Concrete resurfacing and spot cleaning can be very beneficial, as it will prevent any permanent stain. It is easy to use a cleaning agent and warm water that must be applied to the affected area. Scrubbing can also be very beneficial, but it is recommended not to scrub too hard, as it can snatch away the gloss of the epoxy surface.

Epoxy floors with epoxy coating exhibit excellent water - Cobblecrete


This becomes essential for garage epoxy flooring as oils, car chemicals, and other chemicals are frequently present there. Experts recommend wiping them away as soon as possible with a shop towel or a paper towel. You must handle the following dedicatedly without any delay.

  • Engine oil spills
  • Gas spills
  • Paint
  • Antifreeze
  • Harsh household cleaners
  • Abrasive or coarse liquids
  • Other chemicals from cars




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